PubMed で検索
データベースには普段 Google Scholar を使うのだが,今回は PubMed を使ってみた.キーワードには resistance training, nutrition, meta analysis を指定した.
検索結果は 51 件.タイトルだけを眺めて該当しそうな文献をチェックすると 12 件が残った.
- Effects of protein supplementation on lean body mass, muscle strength, and physical performance in nonfrail community-dwelling older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
- No Difference Between the Effects of Supplementing With Soy Protein Versus Animal Protein on Gains in Muscle Mass and Strength in Response to Resistance Exercise.
- Effect of whey protein supplementation on body composition changes in women: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
- Muscle Fiber Hypertrophy and Myonuclei Addition: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.
- The Effect of Whey Protein Supplementation on the Temporal Recovery of Muscle Function Following Resistance Training: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Effects of Milk Proteins Supplementation in Older Adults Undergoing Resistance Training: A Meta-Analysis of Randomized Control Trials.
- Effect of creatine supplementation during resistance training on lean tissue mass and muscular strength in older adults: a meta-analysis.
- Effects of protein supplementation combined with resistance exercise on body composition and physical function in older adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis.
- Protein Supplementation Does Not Significantly Augment the Effects of ResistanceExercise Training in Older Adults: A Systematic Review.
- Protein supplementation augments the adaptive response of skeletal muscle to resistance-type exercise training: a meta-analysis.
- Effects of beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate supplementation during resistance trainingon strength, body composition, and muscle damage in trained and untrained young men: a meta-analysis.
- Meta-analysis: effect of exercise, with or without dieting, on the body composition of overweight subjects.
英語ばかりで後ずさりしそうになるが,最後の文献が良さそうだったのでこれを読んでみることにする.Systematic review でなく,単なる review というところが気になるが…
Meta-analysis: effect of exercise, with or without dieting, on the body composition of overweight subjects.
To determine if physical training conserves fat-free mass (FFM) in overweight men or women during weight loss.
Journals published between 1966 and 1993 were searched by MEDLINE and by handsearch to obtain all reports on human subjects in which the effect of exercise on body composition was studied in at least two concurrent treatment groups, of which at least one group did, and one group did not, undergo an exercise programme designed to promote fat loss. The relation between loss of weight, and loss of FFM, was examined by linear regression analysis among exercising and non-exercising groups of men or women.
Twenty-eight publications reported results on 226 sedentary men in 13 groups, 233 exercising men in 14 groups, 199 sedentary women in 23 groups, and 258 exercising women in 28 groups.
Aerobic exercise without dietary restriction among men caused a weight loss of 3 kg in 30 weeks compared with sedentary controls, and 1.4 kg in 12 weeks among women, but there was little effect on FFM. Resistance exercise had little effect on weight loss, but increased FFM by about 2 kg in men and 1 kg in women. Regression analysis shows that for a weight loss of 10 kg by diet alone the expected loss of FFM is 2.9 kg in men and 2.2 kg in women. When similar weight loss is achieved by exercise combined with dietary restriction the expected loss of FFM is reduced to 1.7 kg in men, and women. It is probable that the FFM conserved by exercise during weight loss contains more water and potassium than average FFM. The subjects studied were not severely obese.
Aerobic exercise causes a modest loss in weight without dieting. Exercise provides some conservation of FFM during weight loss by dieting, probably in part by maintaining glycogen and water.
減量中に過体重の男性または女性の体力トレーニングが除脂肪量 (FFM) を節約するかどうかを判断すること.
1966 年から 1993 年の間に発行されたジャーナルを MEDLINE と手で検索して,少なくとも二つの同時治療グループ,少なくとも一つのグループと一つのグループで体組成に対する運動の影響を調べたしなかった,脂肪の損失を促進するように設計された運動プログラムを受けます.体重の減少と FFM の減少との関係を,男性または女性の運動群と非運動群の間で線形回帰分析によって調べた.
28 の出版物が 13 のグループで 226 人の座りがちな男性, 14 のグループで 233 人の行使の男性, 23 のグループで 199 人の座席の女性,そして 28 のグループで 258 人の女性が運動していた.
食事制限のない男性の有酸素運動は,座席のコントロールと比較して 30 週間で 3 kg, 女性では 12 週間で 1.4 kg の体重減少を引き起こしましたが, FFM にはほとんど効果がありませんでした.レジスタンスエクササイズは体重減少にほとんど影響を与えませんでしたが, FFM は男性で約 2 kg, 女性で約 1 kg 増加した.回帰分析は,食事療法のみによる 10 kg の体重減少について,予想される FFM の減少が男性で 2.9 kg, 女性で 2.2 kg であることを示しています.同様の体重減少が食事制限と組み合わされた運動によって達成されるとき, FFM の予想される減少は男性および女性において 1.7 kg に減少する.減量時の運動によって節約された FFM は,平均的な FFM よりも多くの水分とカリウムを含んでいると考えられます.研究された被験者はひどく肥満ではありませんでした.
有酸素運動はダイエットせずに適度な体重減少を引き起こします.運動はダイエットによる減量の間,おそらくグリコーゲンと水を維持することによってある程度の FFM の保存を提供します.
以上が Google 翻訳に突っ込んだほぼそのまま.まあ,読めなくはない.デザインの箇所に変な翻訳があるが気にしないこと.こういう時は原文と突き合わせて読む.
ここまで書いてきて何だが,やはり系統的レビューでない,というのが引っかかって読むのを止めた.最初の論文選択が恣意的だと結論も歪んでしまう.そこでもう一度 PubMed に戻る.
検索語を resistance training, nutrition, systematic review に変更
検索式は resistance training, nutrition, systematic review とする.系統的レビューならメタ解析も必ずやってるはずだろう,と踏んだ.今度は 66 件引っかかった.その中で前回の検索では引っかからなかったのは以下である.
- Effects of protein supplements on muscle damage, soreness and recovery of muscle function and physical performance: a systematic review.
- The effect of resistance exercise on sleep: A systematic review of randomized controlled trials.
- Systematic review and meta-analysis of linear and undulating periodized resistance training programs on muscular strength.
- The effects of protein supplements on muscle mass, strength, and aerobic and anaerobic power in healthy adults: a systematic review.
- Effects of protein supplements consumed with meals, versus between meals, on resistance training-induced body composition changes in adults: a systematic review.
- β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate free acid supplementation may improve recovery and muscle adaptations after resistance training: a systematic review.
Effects of protein supplements consumed with meals, versus between meals, on resistance training-induced body composition changes in adults: a systematic review.
Protein supplements are frequently consumed by athletes and recreationally active adults to achieve greater gains in muscle mass and strength and improve physical performance.
This review provides a systematic and comprehensive analysis of the literature that tested the hypothesis that protein supplements accelerate gains in muscle mass and strength resulting in improvements in aerobic and anaerobic power. Evidence statements were created based on an accepted strength of recommendation taxonomy.
Data Sources
English language articles were searched through PubMed and Google Scholar using protein and supplements together with performance, exercise, strength, and muscle, alone or in combination as keywords. Additional articles were retrieved from reference lists found in these papers.
Study Selection
Studies recruiting healthy adults between 18 and 50 years of age that evaluated the effects of protein supplements alone or in combination with carbohydrate on a performance metric (e.g., one repetition maximum or isometric or isokinetic muscle strength), metrics of body composition, or measures of aerobic or anaerobic power were included in this review. The literature search identified 32 articles which incorporated test metrics that dealt exclusively with changes in muscle mass and strength, 5 articles that implemented combined resistance and aerobic training or followed participants during their normal sport training programs, and 1 article that evaluated changes in muscle oxidative enzymes and maximal aerobic power.
Study Appraisal and Synthesis Methods
All papers were read in detail, and examined for experimental design confounders such as dietary monitoring, history of physical training (i.e., trained and untrained), and the number of participants studied. Studies were also evaluated based on the intensity, frequency, and duration of training, the type and timing of protein supplementation, and the sensitivity of the test metrics.
For untrained individuals, consuming supplemental protein likely has no impact on lean mass and muscle strength during the initial weeks of resistance training. However, as the duration, frequency, and volume of resistance training increase, protein supplementation may promote muscle hypertrophy and enhance gains in muscle strength in both untrained and trained individuals. Evidence also suggests that protein supplementation may accelerate gains in both aerobic and anaerobic power.
To demonstrate measureable gains in strength and performance with exercise training and protein supplementation, many of the studies reviewed recruited untrained participants. Since skeletal muscle responses to exercise and protein supplementation differ between trained and untrained individuals, findings are not easily generalized for all consumers who may be considering the use of protein supplements.
This review suggests that protein supplementation may enhance muscle mass and performance when the training stimulus is adequate (e.g., frequency, volume, duration), and dietary intake is consistent with recommendations for physically active individuals.
例によって Google 翻訳に突っ込んでみよう.
英語の記事は,PubMedとGoogle Scholarを介して,単独でまたはキーワードとして,パフォーマンス,運動,筋力,および筋肉と共にタンパク質とサプリメントを使用して検索されました.これらの論文にある参考文献リストから追加の記事を検索しました.
ライフサイエンス辞書,というものを最近知った.簡単に言うとオンラインの医学和英辞書だ.Google 翻訳よりかなり使い勝手がよい.ここで検索語を調べてみる.
まずは「筋トレ」.そのまま入力しても英訳は出てこない.「筋力トレーニング」が正式な日本語だ.結果は strength training. 界隈では resistance training と言っていたのだが,どうも違うらしい.今度はこの語句で検索してみよう.
「糖質」は carbohydrate. 正直,驚いた.「炭水化物」も「糖質」も同じ carbohydrate なのである.他に dietary sugar, glucide. これらも後で検索してみよう.
strength training, nutrition, systematic review で検索
strength training, nutrition, systematic review で検索した結果は 99 件.そろそろリンク貼るのが面倒になってきた.
- Genes to predict VO2max trainability: a systematic review
- The Psychological Effects of Strength Exercises in People who are Overweight or Obese: A Systematic Review.
- Effect of diet-induced weight loss on muscle strength in adults with overweight or obesity – a systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials.
- The effects of exercise training in addition to energy restriction on functional capacities and body composition in obese adults during weight loss: a systematic review.
- Impact of different training modalities on anthropometric and metabolic characteristics in overweight/obese subjects: a systematic review and network meta-analysis.
要約を機械翻訳したところ,最後の 2 件が有用そうだ.うまい具合に両方とも全文 PDF でダウンロードできる.
The effects of exercise training in addition to energy restriction on functional capacities and body composition in obese adults during weight loss: a systematic review.
Obesity is associated with impairments of physical function, cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength and the capacity to perform activities of daily living. This review examines the specific effects of exercise training in relation to body composition and physical function demonstrated by changes in cardiovascular fitness, and muscle strength when obese adults undergo energy restriction.
Electronic databases were searched for randomised controlled trials comparing energy restriction plus exercise training to energy restriction alone. Studies published to May 2013 were included if they used multi-component methods for analysing body composition and assessed measures of fitness in obese adults.
Fourteen RCTs met the inclusion criteria. Heterogeneity of study characteristics prevented meta-analysis. Energy restriction plus exercise training was more effective than energy restriction alone for improving cardiovascular fitness, muscle strength, and increasing fat mass loss and preserving lean body mass, depending on the type of exercise training.
Adding exercise training to energy restriction for obese middle-aged and older individuals results in favourable changes to fitness and body composition. Whilst weight loss should be encouraged for obese individuals, exercise trainingshould be included in lifestyle interventions as it offers additional benefits.
エネルギー制限と運動トレーニングをエネルギー制限のみと比較したランダム化比較試験について電子データベースを検索した. 2013 年 5 月に発表された研究は,それらが体組成を分析するために多成分法を使用し,そして肥満成人におけるフィットネスの尺度を評価した場合に含まれていた.
14 の RCT が選択基準を満たした.研究特性の不均一性はメタアナリシスを妨げた.運動トレーニングの種類に応じて,エネルギー制限と運動トレーニングは,エネルギー制限のみよりも,心血管のフィットネス,筋力の向上,および体脂肪量の減少と除脂肪体重の維持に効果的でした.
Impact of different training modalities on anthropometric and metabolic characteristics in overweight/obese subjects: a systematic review and network meta-analysis.
The aim of this systematic review of randomized controlled trials was to compare the effects of aerobic training(AET), resistance training (RT), and combined aerobic and resistance training (CT) on anthropometric parameters, blood lipids, and cardiorespiratory fitness in overweight and obese subjects.
Electronic searches for randomized controlled trials were performed in MEDLINE, EMBASE and the Cochrane Trial Register. Inclusion criteria were: Body Mass Index: ≥25 kg/m(2), 19+ years of age, supervised exercise training, and a minimum intervention period of 8 weeks. Anthropometric outcomes, blood lipids, and cardiorespiratory fitness parameters were included. Pooled effects were calculated by inverse-variance random effect pairwise meta-analyses and Bayesian random effects network meta-analyses.
15 trials enrolling 741 participants were included in the meta-analysis. Compared to RT, AET resulted in a significantly more pronounced reduction of body weight [mean differences (MD): -1.15 kg, p = 0.04], waist circumference [MD: -1.10 cm, p = 0.004], and fat mass [MD: -1.15 kg, p = 0.001] respectively. RT was more effective than AET in improving lean body mass [MD: 1.26 kg, p<0.00001]. When comparing CT with RT, MD in change of body weight [MD: -2.03 kg, p<0.0001], waist circumference [MD: -1.57 cm, p = 0.0002], and fat mass [MD: -1.88 kg, p<0.00001] were all in favor of CT. Results from the network meta-analyses confirmed these findings.
Evidence from both pairwise and network meta-analyses suggests that CT is the most efficacious means to reduce anthropometric outcomes and should be recommended in the prevention and treatment of overweight, and obesity whenever possible.
無作為化比較試験のこの系統的レビューの目的は,過体重時の人体計測パラメータ,血中脂質,および心肺フィットネスに対する有酸素トレーニング (AET), レジスタンストレーニング (RT), および有酸素トレーニングとレジスタンストレーニング (CT) の効果を比較することです.肥満者
無作為化比較試験の電子検索は, MEDLINE, EMBASE および Cochrane Trial Register で行われました.包含基準は以下の通りであった:肥満度指数:≧ 25 kg/m2, 19 歳以上,監視された運動訓練,および 8 週間の最低介入期間.人体測定結果,血中脂質,および心肺機能適応パラメータが含まれていた.プール効果は,逆分散ランダム効果ペアワイズメタ分析およびベイジアンランダム効果ネットワークメタ分析によって計算した.
741 人の参加者を登録した 15 件の試験がメタ解析に含まれた. RT と比較して, AET は,体重の有意により顕著な減少 [平均差(MD):-1.15 kg, p = 0.04], 胴囲 [MD:-1.10 cm, p = 0.004], および体脂肪量 [MD] をもたらした.:-1.15 kg, p = 0.001] . 除脂肪体重の改善において RT は AET よりも有効であった [MD:1.26 kg, p < 0.00001]. CT と RT を比較すると,体重の変化における [MD:-2.03 kg, p < 0.0001], 胴囲[MD:-1.57 cm, p = 0.0002], 体脂肪量 [MD:-1.88 kg, p < 0.00001] すべて CT に賛成でした.ネットワークメタアナリシスからの結果はこれらの発見を裏付けた.
ペアワイズ分析とネットワークメタ分析の両方からの証拠は, CT が人体測定の結果を減らすための最も効果的な手段であり,太りすぎや肥満の予防と治療に推奨されるべきであることを示唆しています.
詳細は Dr.KID の小児科クリニックを読んでいただくとして.ざっくり言うと,「科学的に根拠のある論文で,まず信頼して大丈夫」くらいのもの.
PubMed, いいじゃん
PubMed って実は食わず嫌いをしていた.本格的な論文検索という先入観が邪魔してたんだな.やってみると意外に使いやすい.何より,検索結果をある程度絞り込んでくれるのがありがたい.
Google Scholar の方は検索能力が高いのが逆に災いして,検索結果が PubMed の 100 倍以上も出てきてしまう.これ,関連する論文を広く探すという目的ならいいんだけど,そのものズバリを探すには逆に不向きなのかも知れない.
今回,なんで PubMed を使ってみる気になったのか.実は山本義徳先生の講義を直接聴いたのがきっかけ.質疑応答の時間にある人から「論文検索には何を使ってるか」と聞かれて「PubMed」って答えてて,会場に一瞬「ああ…」と悲観的な空気が流れたのが印象的だった.
大丈夫だ.英語ができなくても今は Google 翻訳という便利なツールがある.出来る人は原文のままどんどん読んでいったらいいし,できなくても体当たりでぶつかっていけば何とか道は開ける.
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